
How to Start out in Embroidery Digitizing

To start something in embroidery digitizing, it is indeed necessary to first have an embroidery machine, a disc of designs and perhaps some Embroidery Digitizing Software. However this does not end the list of requirements to start embroidery digitizing. There is much more needed to enter the world of embroidery digitizing.

When investing in embroidery digitizing software, it is important that your computer matches its minimum system requirements. It is only if the computer's specifications meet the specifications of the embroidery digitizing software that it is possible to run the embroidery digitizing software, and use it in the computer.

Manufacturers of embroidery digitizing software generally recommend using an IBM PC or any other compatible computer having a USB port. Regarding the mouse, there are no specifications by embroidery digitizing software. However, it is generally better to use a comfortable, optical and non-roller ball mouse. This is because it is not possible to do precise imaging with a roller ball mouse.

Regarding the processor, it is better to use a fast processor for embroidery digitizing as embroidery digitizing involves imaging and not typing of letters. It is better to have extra memory in the computer as there is never too much of memory space in a computer. Moreover, memory is cheap and provides better embroidery digitizing as more designs can be stored in the computer.

Embroidery digitizing calls for lots of hard disk free space. Basically, 100 MB of space is enough to install embroidery digitizing software. However, once you have creations to store, you are going to need much more hard disk free space. Using a 32 bit color monitor
is better for embroidery digitizing as it makes differentiating of thread colors easier.

These are the basic requirements to start out in embroidery digitizing. However, if required, you can also invest in a graphic printer, CD-ROM drive, CD-ROM Recorder Drive and many other accessories.



Embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with designs stitched in strands of thread or yarn using a needle. Embroidery may also incorporate other materials such as metal strips, pearls, beads, quills, and sequins.

Embroidery is classified according to its use of the underlying foundation fabric. One classification system divides embroidery styles according to the relationship of stitch placement to the fabric:

In free embroidery, designs are applied without regard to the weave of the underlying fabric. Examples include crewel and traditional Chinese embroidery.

In counted-thread embroidery, patterns are created by making stitches over a pre-determined number of threads in the foundation fabric. Counted-thread embroidery requires an even-weave foundation fabric such as embroidery canvas, aida cloth, or specially woven cotton and linen fabrics. Examples include needlepoint and cross-stitch.
A second division classifies embroidery according to whether the design is stitched on top of or through the foundation fabric:

In Surface embroidery, patterns are worked on top of the foundation fabric using decorative stitches and laid threads. Surface embroidery encompasses most free embroidery as well as some forms of counted-thread embroidery (such as cross-stitch).

In Canvas work, threads are stitched through a fabric mesh to create a dense pattern that completely covers the foundation fabric. All canvas work is counted-thread embroidery.
Category: Embroidery (styles and materials), Embroidery stitches

The origins of embroidery are lost in time, but examples survive from ancient Egypt, Iron Age Northern Europe and Song Dynasty China.

Elaborately embroidered clothing, religious objects, and household items have been a mark of wealth and status in many cultures including ancient Persia, India, Byzantium, medieval England (Opus Anglicanum or "English work"), and Baroque Europe.


Choosing An Embroidery Digitizing Company

When you go online to choose an embroidery digitizer, what do you use as a criterion?There are many companies that advertise online as offering embroidery digitizing services. So many in fact, that you may find it difficult to decide on a company at first.Currently, if you do a search on Google for embroidery digitizers, your search will return somewhere around 449,000 entries for this one subject. This number includes the sponsored links that come up. Though many would click first on one of the sponsored links, Google hasn't done any research on the company; the company has simply paid for advertising on Google.Now, some of your results will be links to companies that sell embroidery digitizing software. If you have no interest in trying to digitize your own embroidery patterns, then you have no need for the links to the software companies. Ignoring those will bring down the number of companies that you will can consider when you choose an embroidery digitizing company.Where you will want to start with your comparison of the embroidery digitizing companies is with the prices and the turnaround. Some companies will offer a fast turnaround (starting at 24 hours). Some will not advertise a turnaround at all for their embroidery digitizing services. You may need to email the company to find out what their turnaround rate is. Just because they don't advertise it on their website does not mean that it is going to be a longer turnaround time than some of the other companies that do advertise their turnaround time on their website.The next place you will want to look is at how much the company is charging for their embroidery digitizing service. Prices can vary greatly, and you need to decide on what you feel is a fair price for you to pay. You will probably want to comparison shop to come up with the price you are willing to pay. In some cases, you may get a bulk discount. For example, if you have four images that you are wanting to have digitized into embroidery patterns, then the company may give you a discount for having them do all four of the patterns.The final thing you will want to look at when choosing an embroidery digitizing company is at the quality of their work. Most companies have examples of the items they have digitized on their website. If their examples aren't up to the standards you want for your digitized embroidery pattern, then you should probably look at a different embroidery digitizing company to digitize your embroidery pattern.Keep in mind, once you decide on the company that you are going to use for your current project, you may still want to comparison shop each time that you have another embroidery pattern digitized.


Earning A Living With Embroidery Digitizing

You originally bought an embroidery machine to embroider your own items and to make gifts. Then you buy an embroidery digitizing program as you couldn't find your patterns already digitized. With the cost of the program, the only way you could justify the purchase is to start an embroidery digitizing business.You make sure you get plenty of practice. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, you learn to hand punch your own design so you can make sure the program is doing the embroidery digitizing the best way possible. After you are sure you know the embroidery digitizing program inside and out, you start embroidering the digitized patterns. You want to have plenty of samples to prove you know how to digitize embroidery patterns.Once you are satisfied with your digitizing skills and once you feel you have plenty of samples to show, you start thinking about beginning your business.However there is more to consider. To start a crafting business, you need the same information you need for any other business. You need to write a business plan. That's where you sort out what your plans are for the business. You need to consider advertising, you need to consider what you are going to charge, and you need to have a plan in place for bookkeeping. Like any small business, you need to look at how much competition you will have.When you consider advertising, you may come up with many ideas. You can find a web designer with skills at search engine optimization. As your embroidery digitizing business is driven by digital files, it will not matter if your customer is not local to you. You can put a business card up at a local coffee shop or other local gathering place. You might decide you want to embroider some items and get a booth at a craft fair. Not only will you be able to sell your embroidered items, you can put out your business card for your embroidery digitizing business. You may decide to start small. You can join an embroidery forum and post there, offering embroidery digitizing services in your signature line with each post.There are any numbers of other advertising ideas you may decide to follow. Once you have the business plan and advertising ideas in place, you may be surprised to find that your business can grow by leaps and bounds. There are many people out there who do digital embroidery. A good portion of these people are not going to want to learn to digitize their own embroidery patterns. That's where your business comes in.One final thought, statistics show that when starting a business, the first five years are the toughest to get through financially. Some days it may seem too difficult to stick with it, but if you do, your business will be a money maker.


Machine Embroidery Designs (四)

The basic indexes of industrial embroidery machines1. Speed of embroidery. It is expressed through quantity of stitches per minute. The embroidery speed can be adjusted both manually and automatically while embroidering. The optimal embroidery speed of modern machines oscillates between 700-900 stitches per minute. Maximum speed reaches 1200-1400 stitches per minute. 2. Number of working heads. In modern multihead machines the head numbers come to 2-4 heads.3. The size of working area or the maximum size of used frame. This index is concerned with possible size of performed embroidery. It is expressed through correlation of length and width of the working area in millimeters and is regulated for flat and cylindrical frame (used for caps, sleeves, etc). There are spread the correlations 800x600, 500x400 and other-for flat frame; 360x75, 400x350 and other for cylindrical frame.4. Needle quantity. It is equal to the number of needles on one head. It is defined by maximal possible number of thread colors used at one run of embroidery. The possible needle number in modern machines is from 1 to 12. The most spread are the machines with 9 needles. Other important indexes are the noise and vibration level, the compatibility of machine with different standard embroidery programs, the presence of accessories, error of linear measurements of embroidery elements.The accessories can be presented through different additional hinged device for automatic let-off of decorative cord or ribbon, broadened control terminal, systems of laser and video navigation of working area, additional laser trimers (device for thread cutting) and other.The concomitant equipment can be presented through devices of embroidery evaporation, various press equipment for adhesive chevron and braid production, special cloth-cutting machine in the form of laser cutter-machines, that can automatically cut of or drift on markings on cloth, which is widely used at combined with embroidery applique’works production.


Machine Embroidery Designs (三)

Technical constituent of machine embroideryDuring the cycle of machine embroidery manufacturing is applied different means and tools. However, starting from the availability of two basic stages of manufacture, it can be market two fundamental corresponding tools of machine embroidery. They are:1. The computer with appropriate program maintenance and peripherals on the construction stage of manufacture.2. Automatic embroidery machine with concomitant supplementary equipment on the technological stage of manufacture.Let us list the fundamental information of industrial automatic embroidery machines and some supplementary special concomitant equipment.Industrial automatic embroidery machines according to fulfilled activity and principle of operation can be divided in two groups:1. Universal automatic embroidery machines.2. Special automatic embroidery machines.To special automatic embroidery machines can be attributed the machines using not quite standard embroidery methods, machines that are able to perform embroidery on out-of-the-way places of complete products and on materials that are difficult for embroidery. To one of the most commonly used type of special automatic embroidery machines can be attributed the so called Schiffli, machines that allow making embroidery with the utilization of decorative cord, to cut through material and at the same time to process the cut by embroidery. These machines are mostly used for finishing of light and thin, translucent, fashioned and other smart cloth and articles made out of it. For instance, Schiffli machines are often used at wedding dresses decoration.
Quite recently it appeared a new interesting kind of automatic special embroidery-the so called no-thread-embroidery and automatic no-thread embroidery machines. The principle of operation of such machines has a remote conformity with principle of producing of needle-punched fabrics. It consists in the fact that the machine with a set of needles (24 needles) runs through the structure of the main (working) material the locks of fibers of special auxiliary material. The auxiliary material is laid under the main material. After the auxiliary material removing on the main material remains an effective, specific pattern (picture).
Nowadays the leader in production of no-thread embroidery machines is the Japan Company Tanaka. In 2001 fashion show in Berlin and Paris were presented impressive collections made with the help of no-thread –embroidery on “Vari-O-Matic” machine of this company. To universal automatic embroidery machines are related the machines of lock-stitch with coordinate displaced frame holder which is meant for manufacture of embroidery with threads on classical and most widespread materials and articles. The use of such machines supposes some limitations in properties of used materials and constructions of complete products.
But these limitations are constantly growing narrower due to constant modernization and improvement of universal automatic embroidery machines and due to use of manifold auxiliary facilities and special devices. All known universal automatic embroidery machines are of lock-stitch type of machines and the structure of many parts of the mechanism has many similarities with lock-stitch embroidery machines.
The main parts of single-head universal automatic embroidery machine are column, case, frame holder and head. The case is fixed on column and consists of pole and cantilevered arm. Inside the upper part of column is installed the stitch mechanism. Inside the case is installed the main shaft mechanism. On the head is disposed a set of needle mechanisms with thread takeup and thread guide mechanisms. The head is able to shift from case in the horizontal position, engaging with the main shaft stirring up the needed needle mechanism. This enables the machine to make the shift of the thread color at one embroidery run.
The frame holder mechanism is able to shift the frame holder in a horizontal level in four directions from the active needle. The shift is made in step-type on coordinate according to given embroidery program. In this way the machine can make loch-stitches on material of different length and in any given order and direction, executing if needed the shift of working needle with the thread of the definite color. The industrial automatic embroidery machines can be both single-headed and with few heads and with corresponding number of necessary working mechanisms. The last are called many headed or multihead automatic embroidery machines.
Under normal conditions of embroidery all the heads and frame holders mechanisms works synchronously.